Beet & Pineapple Juice #drink

Beet & Pineapple Juice #drink

Every few months around, my kitchen and I get in a little tiff. It's like one of those arguments you had with your sibling growing up. Big sister (me) gets annoyed with little sister (kitchen) because she's messy, disorganized and too small to even understand what's wrong. And for a moment you throw your hands up in the air and want nothing to do with her.

During one of these 'emergency' clean-up sessions, our juicer ended up in the garage. And there it sat for months. Almost six months to be exact! I was reminded of our juicer on one of our recent evening walks when Anguel proclaimed that he was going on a 'serious health kick' and would be drinking fresh juices for breakfasts. I knew of course that this was his sheepish way of asking me to make him juice – since we both know he couldn't assemble our juicer if his life depended on it (what's with guys refusing to read instructions?!). But given his faith-restoring cleanup skills, the least I could do was make him some.

Beet & Pineapple Juice #drink

Inggredients :
  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 medium sized beet
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 1/2" knob of ginger

Instructions :
  1. Cut away the skin and core the pineapple. Slice into large pieces. If your beet has the greens attached, remove the leaves and stem. Cut to fit into juicer chute, if required.
  2. Run the pineapple, beet, cucumber and ginger through a juicer. Stir and enjoy.

Read more our recipe : CRANBERRY LIME MOJITOS #drink
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