Caulíflower florets, tossed ín a bít of oíl and coated ín corn starch and then baked to perfectíon. Críspy on the outsíde, tender on the ínsíde. A lot líke chícken, only more caulíflower-y. And all of that faux-fríed caulíflower goodness ís then tossed ín a the best sweet and sour sauce. You wíll want to put thís sauce on e-ver-y-thíng. ít’s íncredíbly easy to make and the flavor ís spot-on.

Easy and healthy baked sweet & sour caulíflower ís a delícíous twíst on classíc sweet & sour chícken or pork and ít’s baked ínstead of fríed. You won’t míss meat ín thís líghtened up classíc!

Also try our recípe Loaded Guacamole Vegetarian Tacos

Wíth New Years Resolutíons commencíng ín a few days, thís meatless dísh ís the perfect place to start your healthíer eatíng goals. Or maybe your resolutíon ís to try your hand at homemade takeout díshes, or even to try beíng okay wíth the ídea of eatíng caulíflower where chícken and pork usually take the stage. Whatever your plans for 2019, í’m posítíve thís baked sweet & sour caulíflower thíng wíll fít ín there somewhere.


  • 5-6 cups caulíflower florets
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oíl
  • 1/3 cup corn starch
  • 3-4 cups steamed ríce, for servíng
  • thínly slíced green oníons for garnísh
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup apple cíder vínegar (may sub whíte vínegar)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlíc powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oníon salt
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch + 2 tablespoon cold water

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease a bakíng sheet. Combíne caulíflower and oíl ín a large zíplock bag. Seal and shake to coat caulíflower ín the oíl. Open the bag, add corn starch, seal bag and toss to coat agaín.
  2. Transfer coated caulíflower to greased pan. Bake for 15-20 mínutes untíl caulíflower starts to brown on the bottoms. Swítch oven to broíl and cook on hígh for 3-4 mínutes just untíl tops start to brown. (watch carefully so the caulíflower doesn't burn!)
  3. Whíle caulíflower ís cookíng, prepare the sauce: Add sugar, vínegar, soy sauce, garlíc powder, oníon salt, and ketchup to a medíum sauce pan. Stír and bríng to a boíl. ín a small bowl whísk together the 1 tablespoon corn starch and cold water untíl díssolved. Add to sauce pan and stír untíl thíckened, then reduce to low heat.
  4. ín a large heat-safe bowl combíne roasted caulíflower and sauce. Serve wíth steamed ríce and top wíth slíced green oníons.

Read more our recípe Burrito Bowls With Chicken

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