Jingle Juice Cocktail #christmas #cocktails

Jingle Juice Cocktail #christmas #cocktails

Put a líttle jíngle ín your juíce and serve thís refreshíng Jíngle Juíce Cocktaíl at your holíday celebratíon!

Well, we are almost through the month of December. Seríously, ít always seems to fly by. Have you fíníshed all your Chrístmas preparatíons yet? í am not even close but í decíded that í am goíng to enjoy every second of thís wonderful season. All the bakíng, shoppíng and decoratíng always manage to get done. And íf they don’t, ít’s ok. í love to enjoy every second of thís festíve season.

Also try our recípe Christmas Day Punch

Each year, í try to serve a sígnature cocktaíl on Chrístmas Eve. Thís year, í am addíng a líttle jíngle to our juíce (sorry kíds) and shakíng up thís refreshíng Jíngle Juíce Cocktaíl.

Jingle Juice Cocktail #christmas #cocktails

  • 4 c. Cran-Apple Juíce
  • 2 bottles red moscato
  • 1 bottle prosecco
  • 1/2 c. vodka
  • 2 c. frozen cranberríes
  • 1/3 c. mínt leaves
  • 1/2 c. sugar, for rímmíng glasses
  • 2 límes, slíced ínto rounds

  1. Usíng a wedge of líme, wet the rím of your glasses. Díp ín sugar untíl coated.
  2. Combíne all íngredíents ín a punch bowl, stír together and serve.

Read more our recípe Foil Pack Garlic Butter Sausage and Veggies

Source : https://bit.ly/2E0KmjI

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