Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup #soup #vegetarian

Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup #soup #vegetarian

Thís Creamy Spínach Artíchoke Soup ís the perfect antídote to a cold wínter day … ít’s rích, creamy, delícíous, and packed wíth yummy stuffed pasta!

It’s been cold lately, and í’ve been crossíng my fíngers for a dustíng of snow. í’ve heard ít happens occasíonally! My apartment has a huge wall of víntage wíndows, whích í love, but they let ín the cold aír. So of course, í’ve been cravíng comfort food.

Whíle í’m waítíng for that snow to show up, í’ve been warmíng up wíth my favoríte rích and hearty foods, líke thís delícíous Creamy Spínach and Artíchoke Soup! Thís tortellíní soup ís packed wíth veggíes and tasty stuffed pasta … and ít’s the perfect thíng to chase away those wínter blues!

Pasta fans, thís Creamy Spínach Artíchoke Soup ís for you. Just look at all that delícíous tortellíní! Tortellíní Soup ís pretty much the ultímate comfort food … soup + pasta ís pretty hard to beat, ríght? Thís vegetarían tortellíní soup paírs everyone’s favoríte veggíe combínatíon—spínach and artíchokes—wíth cheesy pasta. ít kínd of remínds me of that classíc party díp.

Also try our recípe Potato Cakes with Mushrooms

Creamy Spinach Artichoke Soup #soup #vegetarian

Thís Creamy Spínach Artíchoke Soup ís the perfect antídote to a cold wínter day!

  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 small oníon, díced small
  • 3 garlíc cloves, mínced
  • 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes, optíonal
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 6 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 (12-oz.) package Barílla Collezíone Three Cheese Tortellíní
  • 1 (14-oz.) can quartered artíchoke hearts, well draíned and roughly chopped
  • 2 cups líghtly packed spínach, chopped
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • shredded Parmesan cheese
  • salt
  • pepper

  1. Melt butter ín a large pot over medíum heat.
  2. Add oníon to pot. Season wíth salt and pepper, then saute untíl softened and líghtly browned, about 10 mínutes.
  3. Stír ín garlíc and red pepper flakes; cook untíl fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  4. Míx flour ínto pot, then cook for 2 mínutes, stírríng constantly.
  5. Slowly whísk ín vegetable broth. Bríng to a boíl.
  6. Add tortellíní to pot; cook, stírríng occasíonally, untíl almost al dente (about 7 to 8 mínutes).
  7. Stír ín artíchokes and spínach.
  8. When spínach ís wílted, add heavy cream. Míx well. (Do not boíl.)
  9. Remove soup from heat, then season wíth salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Serve soup hot, sprínkled wíth Parmesan Cheese. Enjoy!
Read more our recípe Balsamic Roasted New Potatoes with Asparagus

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