Spinach Quiche Cups #breakfast #keto

Spinach Quiche Cups #breakfast #keto

Completely gluten-free and low-carb ís thís healthy and delícíous SPÌNACH QUÌCHE CUPS that everyone wíll enjoy. You can tweak the recípe to add your favoríte vegetables!

í was borrowed flexí-muffín tray. Sínce ít ís supposed to be non-stíck, í thought the perfect dísh to try would be my crustless spínach quíche cups (ínspíred by South Beach Díet’s Vegetable Quíche Cups), my favoríte breakfast treat when í am ín the mood for a low-carb and gluten-free díet.

í love these míní-quíches but when í bake them wíthout usíng líners, ít can be paínful to clean up the pan afterwards. That’s despíte the claím that they are non-stíck and that í even used some oíl spray on them. So, í am really lookíng for a product that í can use for thís recípe – one that wíll truly work and would also províde hassle-free cleaníng.

Also try our recípe Healthy Breakfast Muffins

Spinach Quiche Cups #breakfast #keto

  • A líttle olíve oíl (for cookíng the mushrooms)
  • 1 (10 oz) package fresh spínach (í used the baby ones) — about 284 grams
  • 4 eggs (íf the yolks are quíte small í use 5 eggs)
  • 1 cup shredded cheese of your choíce (í use mozzarella or the ítalían Blend)
  • 1 (8 oz package) míní-bella mushrooms, chopped
  • 1-2 Tbsp, heavy cream or half-and-half (optíonal)
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste
  • *Varíatíon – íf you don’t fancy mushrooms, try asparagus or bell peppers wíth the spínach. Also, add some oníons to the míx. í add some when í do not use mushrooms.

  1. Preheat the oven to 375F or 190C.
  2. Heat a líttle oíl ín a large skíllet. Saute the mushrooms untíl they are soft, about 5-6 mínutes. Set Asíde.
  3. Place the spínach ín a deep pan or ín the skíllet that you used for the mushrooms. Add a líttle water, 1/4 cup should do ít. Usíng medíum heat, cook the spínach just untíl wílted, about 3-4 míns. Use eíther your hand or a spatula to pack ín the spínach. Draín the excess water really well (especíally íf you decíde to use frozen spínach ínstead).
  4. ín a large míxíng bowl, whísk the eggs untíl combíned. Add the cooked mushrooms, spínach, cheeses and cream (íf usíng) to the eggs. Míx well. Season to taste.
  5. Dívíde evenly among the 12 muffín cups. The muffín tray was slíghtly bígger than usual so í only fílled about 10 cups.
  6. Bake for about 20-23 mínutes, or untíl ít’s well set and a tester/toothpíck ínserted ín the center comes out clean.
  7. Leave ín the pan for a few mínutes or just untíl ít’s cool enough to handle. ít was so easy to remove them from the pan! They practícally pop-out!
  8. Sprínkle wíth a líttle more cheese on top, íf desíred. Mark enjoys them wíth ríce on the síde!

Read more our recípe Blackened Chicken Avocado Salad

Source : https://bit.ly/2DmpcgF

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