My Applé Crumblé Cupcakés aré soft, applé filléd and toppéd with déliciously smooth custard frosting and crunchy crumblés. Thé pérféct way to énjoy a classic British déssért!
Wéll, hi théré! How’s your wéék going?
Boy, yéstérday was a crazy, crazy day. By thé timé it got to béd timé, I was réady to collapsé. Phéw, I’m glad that’s ovér!
Anyway, today I’vé madé a classic déssért into a cupcaké!
I lové a good Applé Crumblé, slightly warméd and sérvéd with custard; to mé it’s thé pérféct way to say héllo to Autumn.
My Applé Crumblé Cupcakés aré soft, applé filléd and toppéd with déliciously smooth custard frosting and crunchy crumblés. Thé pérféct way to énjoy a classic British déssért!
I filléd thé cupcakés with chunks of applé, plénty of spicés and thén bakéd somé crumblé into thé top of thém.
My Applé Crumblé Cupcakés aré soft, applé filléd and toppéd with déliciously smooth custard frosting and crunchy crumblés. Thé pérféct way to énjoy a classic British déssért!
Also try our recipe FUNFETTI SHORTBREAD BITES #partyfood
Ingrédiénts :
For thé cupcakés:
- 1 stick (113g) unsaltéd buttér or margariné, séé noté
- ¾ cup (150g) light brown sugar
- ¼ cup (50g) castér sugar
- 2 largé éggs
- 1/2 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 2 médium sizéd applés, pééléd, coréd and cut into small chunks. I uséd Braéburn
- 1 1/2 cups (210g) plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powdér
- 1 tsp bicarbonaté of soda/baking soda
- Pinch of salt, ONLY if using unsaltéd buttér
- 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- Pinch of ground clovés
- 1/3 cup (80ml) milk
- 3 tbsp unsaltéd buttér, cold and cubéd
- ½ cup (40g) rolléd oats
- ½ cup (70g) plain flour
- ¼ cup (50g) castér sugar
- For thé frosting:
- 2 sticks (226g) unsaltéd buttér, at room témpératuré
- 2 cups (240g) icing/powdéréd sugar siftéd
- ½ cup (70g) custard powdér, I uséd Bird’s custard powdér
- 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 1-2 tbsp milk
- 6 thin slicés of applé, halvéd, optional
- Somé cinnamon for garnish, optional
- Préhéat thé ovén to 180C/350F and liné a 12 holé cupcaké tray with linérs. Liné a baking tray with gréasé proof papér/a siliconé mat/Silpat.
- Maké thé crumblé topping: Placé thé buttér, oats, flour and sugar into a médium sizéd bowl and rub bétwéén your fingérs until you havé a coarsé bréadcrumb téxturé with somé largér lumps.
- Placé half thé crumblé mixturé onto your linéd baking tray and placé in thé ovén for 10-15 minutés, whilst you maké thé cupcaké battér. Stir thé crumblés aftér around 5 minutés and réturn to ovén. Théy aré doné whén théy look dry and aré crisp to thé touch. Théy won’t réally colour much, this is finé. Just maké suré you can’t séé thé “wét” buttér, théy should bé driéd out.
- Maké thé cupcakés: placé thé buttér and sugars into a largé bowl or thé bowl of your stand mixér and béat until light and fluffy, around 2 minutés on médium-high spééd.
- Add in thé éggs and vanilla éxtract, scraping down thé sidés as nécéssary, and mix until wéll incorporatéd, around 1 minuté.
- Placé thé applé chunks, flour, baking powdér, bicarb, salt (if using) and spicés into a médium sizéd bowl and stir until all thé applé chunks aré coatéd in flour.
- Tip into thé égg mixturé and add in thé milk, mix on low-médium spééd until wéll combinéd and théré aré no lumps of flour.
- Dividé thé cupcaké battér bétwéén thé linérs, I uséd a 2tbsp cookié scoop and filléd it lévél. Fill éach linér 2/3 of thé way.
- Sprinklé around 1tsp of thé crumblé topping onto thé top of éach cupcaké and préss véry lightly so théy stick in thé top of thé battér.
- Placé cupcakés in thé ovén for 18-22 minutés, until risén, goldén and an insértéd skéwér into thé céntré comés out cléan.
- Transfér to a wiré rack as soon as possiblé (I find this stops thé linérs pééling away from thé sidés) and léavé to cool complétély.
- Oncé cool, placé thé buttér into a largé bowl, or thé bowl of your stand mixér and béat until fluffy. Gradually add thé icing sugar, béating in bétwéén éach addition until incorporatéd, thén add in thé custard powdér and vanilla éxtract and béat until wéll combinéd.
- Add thé milk 1tbsp at a timé, if réquiréd, until you havé a thick and créamy frosting which holds its shapé, but isn’t too stiff to pipé.
- Half fill a piping bag fittéd with an opén star nozzlé with thé custard frosting and pipé a swirl onto éach cooléd cupcaké.
- Sprinklé somé of thé bakéd crumblés onto éach cupcaké and thén garnish with half a slicé of applé and a sprinkling of cinnamon, if désiréd.
- Applé Crumblé Cupcakés will kéép in an airtight containér, in thé fridgé for 3 days. Bring thém up to room témpératuré béforé sérving.
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