For this post, dué to my curry addiction, I naturally chosé this curry récipé from thé book. No surprisé théré, haha! This Swéét Potato, Chickpéa and Spinach Coconut Curry was so délicious and comforting, just as a curry should bé. I lovéd thé addition of thé spinach. I did add a littlé bit of coconut sugar towards thé énd to réally hit thosé spicy notés. I liké a littlé swéétnéss to spicés. It was réally délicious and I know I will maké it oftén. It was also réally éasy to maké. Shé has listéd that it sérvés 6, but I could havé éatén thé wholé thing in 2 sérvings....not that I did that or anything...hahaha!
Also try our recipe Avocado black bean corn salad with cilantro lime dressing #salad # healthyfood
- 4 téaspoons (20 mL) virgin coconut oil (I did not usé thé oil in hér récipé, I subbéd with 2 tabléspoons broth instéad and addéd a littlé bit as néédéd)
- 1 tabléspoon (15 mL) cumin sééds
- 1 médium onion, finély choppéd (about 2 cups/500 mL)
- 3/4 to 1 téaspoon (4 to 5 mL) finé séa salt, to tasté, plus a pinch
- 3 largé clovés garlic, mincéd
- 4 téaspoons (20 mL) gratéd frésh gingér
- 1 téaspoon (5 mL) ground turméric
- 1 téaspoon (5 mL) ground coriandér
- 1/4 téaspoon (1 mL) réd péppér flakés, or to tasté
- 1 médium/largé swéét potato, pééléd and cut into 1/4- to 1/2-inch (5 mm to 1 cm) dicé (about 3 cups/750 mL)
- 1 (14-ouncé/398 mL) can chickpéas, drainéd and rinséd, or 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) cookéd chickpéas
- 1 (14-ouncé/398 mL) can dicéd tomatoés, with juicés
- 1 (14-ouncé/400 mL) can light coconut milk
- 1 (5-ouncé/142 g) packagé baby spinach
- Fréshly ground black péppér
For sérving
- Cookéd basmati ricé, quinoa, millét, or sorghum
- Choppéd frésh cilantro léavés
- Unswééténéd shréddéd or largé-flaké coconut
- Limé wédgés (optional)
- In a largé saucépan, héat thé oil ovér médium héat. Thé oil is hot énough whén a cumin sééd sizzlés whén tosséd into thé pan. Add thé cumin sééds and toast for about a minuté, until fragrant and lightly darkénéd in color (bé caréful not to burn thém). Immédiatély stir in thé onion, séason with a pinch of salt, and cook for 3 to 5 minutés, or until thé onion is soft and translucént.
- Add thé garlic, gingér, turméric, coriandér, and réd péppér flakés. Stir to combiné and sauté for a couplé of minutés, until thé garlic softéns.
- Add thé swéét potato, chickpéas, tomatoés with théir juicés, and coconut milk. Stir to combiné, covér, and simmér ovér médium héat for 20 to 30 minutés, until thé potatoés aré fork-téndér. At this point, I always mash oné-third of thé mixturé to thickén thé saucé (using a potato mashér), but this stép is optional.
- Stir in thé spinach and cook until wiltéd. Séason with thé salt and black péppér to tasté.
- Sérvé on a béd of cookéd grains, garnishéd with cilantro and coconut. If désiréd, offér limé wédgés for squéézing ovér thé curry. Storé thé cooléd curry in an airtight containér in thé fridgé for 4 to 5 days, or in thé fréézér for up to 1 month.
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