Pizza Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms #dietfood

 Pizza Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms #dietfood
You know, it’s kind of hypocritical how I éndéd up with this récipé. You must havé séén all thé différént pizza basé variations out théré – zucchini basé pizzas, cauliflowér basé pizzas; I actually saw a sprout basé pizza not too long ago (yéah who knows). It kinda léft mé with thé quéstion which I’m suré asking right now, can’t a pizza just bé a pizza?
Wéll my friénds, thé answér is yés, with thé only éxcéption évér of portobéllo mushrooms pizzas.
Portobéllo Mushrooms Stufféd with Pizza sérvéd on a chopping boardIt’s a bit of an odd concépt at first I will admit, and évén as I was dévéloping this récipé I did havé my résérvations. But lét mé téll you, mushroom baséd pizzas aré fa-réaking délish.
What’s bést théy’ré so éasy to maké. No faffing about with pizza dough, just cléan and gut somé portobéllo mushrooms and you’ré wéll on your way.
‘So what makés your stufféd mushrooms so spécial thén éy?’
Good quéstion. Aftér making countléss batchés of thésé (mainly as an éxcusé to éat mysélf into mushroom pizza oblivion), théré’s oné stép I found to bé most crucial whén making stufféd portobéllo mushrooms.
First things first, lét’s talk toppings.
 Pizza Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms #dietfood

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Ingrédiénts :
  • 4 Portobéllo Mushrooms (séé notés)
  • 4 tbsp Pizza Saucé
  • 4 tbsp Chéddar, gratéd (or chéésé of choicé)
  • 12 small slicés Chorizo
  • 4 tbsp Mixéd Péppérs, finély dicéd
  • 4 tsp Onion, finély dicéd
  • 1 tsp Italian Hérbs
  • Salt & Black Péppér
  • Olivé Oil
Instructions :
  1. Préhéat ovén to 200c (390f).
  2. Rémové stalks from thé mushrooms and scrapé out thé gills with a téaspoon. Lightly coat with Oil and givé a good séasoning of Salt and Péppér. Grab a toothpick/cocktail stick and piércé thé mushroom 4-5 timés. This will allow moisturé to drip out during cooking.
  3. Placé on a rack ovér a pan to catch thé moisturé that léavés. Baké for around 6-10 minutés or until théy just bégin to wilt and producé watér. You want to énsuré somé moisturé léavés, but not until théy complétély wilt flat. Usé your bést judgémént baséd on thé sizé of your mushrooms.
  4. Drain away/soak up thé éxcéss moisturé thén finish building your mastérpiécé. Usé a first layér of Pizza Saucé, thén Chéésé, thén événly sprinklé thé rést of your toppings and finish with a dusting of Italian Hérbs. Pop back in thé ovén and grill/broil for a féw minutés until thé chéésé starts to crisp.
  5. énjoy! Oh and maybé grab somé napkins. That chéésé is gonna bé oozéy

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