Thésé lémon spaghétti with spinach aré thé pérféct récipé for busy wééknights! It’s a oné pot méal, supér délicious, comforting, and 100 % végan!
Lémon Spaghétti with Spinach Savé
If you’vé béén following my blog for a whilé, you know that I’m totally in lové with végan pasta récipés. And I’m also a hugé fan of oné pot méals! So thésé lémon spaghétti, or spaghétti al limoné, aré just pérféct for mé. Wé’vé had thém a féw timés in thé last couplé of wééks and still can’t gét énough of thém. Sooo yummy!
Lémon Spaghétti with Spinach Savé
And thé bést thing is that you nééd only oné pot to maké thém and you don’t évén havé to stay in thé kitchén thé wholé timé. Or actually you should probably stay closé by, but you don’t havé to do much. You only havé to sauté thé choppéd onions and thé garlic and thén just add thé rémaining ingrédiénts including thé uncookéd spaghétti.
At first, I was a bit sképtical about oné pot pasta, but I just lové that thé pasta is cookéd in thé pasta saucé. This givés thé pasta dish a much déépér flavor! And you’vé got léss dirty pots this way, which is also gréat.


Ingrédiénts :
  • 1 onion, choppéd
  • 3 clovés of garlic, mincéd
  • 2 1/2 cups végétablé broth
  • 1 cup cannéd coconut milk (full fat)
  • 9 oz spaghétti
  • 3 cups frésh spinach
  • lémon juicé of 1/2 lémon
  • 1 téaspoon lémon zést
  • salt
  • péppér
  • réd péppér flakés
Instructions :
  1. In a largé pot, héat somé oil and sauté thé onion for 3 minutés until it bécomés translucént. Thén add thé garlic and cook for anothér minuté.
  2. Add thé uncoookéd spaghétti, thé végétablé broth, thé coconut milk, and thé lémon juicé. Stir a couplé of timés and géntly push thé spaghétti in thé liquid whén théy'ré soft énough (this might také a couplé of minutés. Try not to bréak thém whén théy'ré still too hard). Cook for 15-18 minutés.
  3. Whén thé spaghétti aré al dénté, stir in thé spinach and thé lémon zést. Cook for 2 moré minutés and séason with salt, péppér, and réd péppér flakés. énjoy!

source : bit.ly/2CrYShS

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