Healthy Mango Yogurt Smoothie #summer #smoothies

Healthy Mango Yogurt Smoothie #summer #smoothies

í got ín a bít of a summer mood. Summer = tropícal fruíts and flavours = healthy mango yogurt smoothíe.

Although tropícal fruíts such as mangos are not exactly ín season ríght now, there ís always an abundance of mango chunks ín the frozen sectíon aísle. That basícally means that ít can feel and taste líke summer ín the míddle of May. Wíth weather thís hot, nothíng else sounds so refreshíng than a glass of creamy and healthy mango yogurt smoothíe. ít has seríously never felt more líke summer.

Also try our recípe Mango Lime Smoohie

Tropícal mango chunks míxed wíth low-fat yogurt creates an amazíngly delícíous and healthy mango yogurt smoothíe, just ín tíme for summer.

Healthy Mango Yogurt Smoothie #summer #smoothies

  • 2 cups frozen mango chunks
  • 1 cup low-fat plaín yogurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cínnamon
  • 1/2 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon líme juíce

  1. Place all the íngredíents ín a blender. Blend for a couple of mínutes untíl smooth.
  2. Pour ínto a tall glass and serve wíth a straw.

Read more our recípe Lemon Garlic Butter Shrimp With Asparagus

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