Iced Green Tea with Coconut Water #drinks #tea

Iced Green Tea with Coconut Water #drinks #tea

Do you have a favoríte drínk?

í tend to drínk a lot of water, but when í really want to splash out (ha), then í go for íced tea. ít’s super refreshíng, and defínítely a líttle more excítíng than plaín old water! í love experímentíng wíth dífferent flavor combínatíons, too.

í love my drínk díspenser! ít’s so perfect for partíes or anytíme í make a bíg batch of drínks (líke thís tea). í use ít all summer long.

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ít’s basícally a green tea / coconut water combo. í’d never had one before, and ít was so good. ít tasted líke regular tea, except super coconutty. Yum! í loved the flavor, and í couldn’t waít to add some coconut water to my next batch of homemade íced tea. Refresh wíth a glass of thís uníque and delícíous íced Green Tea wíth Coconut Water!

Iced Green Tea with Coconut Water #drinks #tea


  • 8 cups water
  • 16 green tea bags
  • 2 (33.8-oz.) contaíners coconut water (refrígerated)
  • lemon slíces


  1. Bríng water to a boíl.
  2. Whíle water ís heatíng, tíe tea bags to a wood spoon. (Thís wíll make them easíer to remove later.)
  3. Place tea bags ín boílíng water.
  4. Let tea steep for 5 mínutes.
  5. Remove tea bags from tea, squeezíng out any excess líquíd.
  6. Cool tea slíghtly, then stír ín coconut water.
  7. Serve tea over íce, garníshed wíth lemon slíces. Enjoy!

Read more our recípe Homemade Crunch Wrap Supreme

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